Rates and Insurances

All wellness Visits and physical therapy sessions are one-on-one with a Doctor of Physical Therapy.

What insurances do you take?

  • Self Pay: We are a fee-for-service clinic that is out of network with insurances. That means we charge a flat rate for our services.  We will provide receipts upon request so you can send self-claims to your insurance company.

Does my child Need a prescription?


*** Wellness classes and Infant Massage do NOT require a referral from a medical professional. 

***Physical Therapy evaluations NO LONGER require a referral in the state of Texas to start treatment as of September 1, 2019. Contact us today!

***When in doubt of what services your child requires, give us a call!

Why are you out of network for insurances?

Our goal at Boost Babies is to put the needs of the families and their children above all else.   By not being under the control of insurance companies, we have the autonomy to provide the best practice to our patients provided by a Doctor of Physical Therapy.  Because we are able to respond efficiently and effectively to our patients and get results in very few sessions, the out-of-pocket expense at Boost Babies is a huge bargain for the health and wellness of your child.  Furthermore, by investing in wellness early in your children, you are diminishing the potential for future developmental problems, and therefore, saving you and your family money in the future.


Contact Us for current rates